The fill() method serves to fill the array with the specified
variables. it takes 3 parameters. They are value, start and end.
Start and end values can be given on request. But it is imperative
to enter value.
Array pop()
The pop () method removes the last element of an array. And define a
new array. So this method changes the sequence (length and
Array push()
The push () method adds one or more elements to the end of an array.
And it returns its new length. This changes the number and length of
elements of the array.
Array sort()
The sort () method sorts the items in an array. This order (if we do
not specify a function) is in the form of increasing order.
Array slice()
The Slice() method copies the desired portion of a directory.
Array every()
"Every" function checks whether all the elements of the array
satisfy the given condition or not that is provided by a function
passed to it as the argument.
Array map()
The Map () method scans through each element of the array. It
returns a new array with the elements it scans. The map() method
calls the provided function once for each element in an array, in